95 more stupid things to know about me

1. my mother's maiden name
shit does everybody knows that? lol

2. my eye color
blue duh

3. place i desperately want to travel to
either Ontario or New York

4. what i regret about my family life
that we don't communicate enough

5. food i absolutely cannot stand
raw tomatoes (it's ok in spaghetti and shit like that)
mustard (better kill myself twice than having a spoon)

6. do i shower in the morning or at night?
do i even shower? just kidding, night

7. have i ever voted
yup, federal once

8. the type of chocolate i prefer
black and brown - the one that says like my men dies lol

9. a certain nickname i hate to be called
well i don't really appreciate fucking retard, if not everything is ok

10. where is my family from
cotton eye job obvi - nope, i think americans, then irish

11. is my family religious
don't think so

12. do i want a cat or a dog?
i like my dog but i wouldn't buy multiple just for the sake of it

13. the friend i have known the longest
Vanessa - 7 years i guess 

14. what childhood memory do i always bring up?
when i used to be smart lmao

15. do i think of myself as extroverted or introverted?
i think of myself as someone that never shuts the fuck up

16. do people think of me as extroverted or introverted?
as someone that never shuts the fuck up

17. do i want children?
who doesn't? ain't an emergency right know but yes

18. what do i think of long term commitments like marriage & ect
i think always switching relationships is exhausting

19. do i like foreplay?
then again, who doesn't?

20. am i a light sleeper?
only if you yell

21. do i like to cuddle while they sleep?
if you try to strangle me, probably not

22. what celebrity do i find the most attractive?
there isn't just one - young Tom Cruise, Joe Jonas, Da Kurlzz.... 
but meh people that truly know me know that right know the most attractive person on earth isn't a celebrity lmao... not yet at least

23. how do i wind down at the end of a long day?
blog posts, talking to the person i love, knitting

24. do i drink every day?
water yes, alcohol i think it'd turn into a problem since i'm alone lmao

25. would i ever want to live abroad?
yeah but with someone like best friend or boyfriend

26. do i still have my wisdom teeth?

27. what do i like on pizza?
no pizza or if i don't have the choice, pepperoni and cheese

28. severe allergies i have
bullshit jk penicillin 

29. if i went to college, what did i study in?
only have a secretary diploma at the moment but i'm planning to get a degree for teaching english pretty soon - gotta pay one student loan at a time

30. do i believe in God?
yeah sure he texts me everyday

31. favorite sex position?
only one person can ask in inbox lmao

32. in an ideal world, how many times a week would i want to have sex?
why all those sex questions all of student? well then again only one person can ask me... lol

33. least favorite part of my current job
not having any

34. what am i currently reading?
unfortunately only psychiatric documentation 

35. am i conscious about saving money?
i try lol to save, you need money in the first place

36. what is my ideal date night?
i have many ideas, but i think just him inviting me at his place, like ok mom or dad asks who is it you say a friend but the point is that it's maybe more than that but you don't say anything, y'all just take the time to chill out and relax in front of either a series or a movie, show me what you like to watch, i don't know, just watching normal tv would do, my head falling on your shoulder and since they say a date, well maybe a little bit of cuddling and kissing - surprise me lmao

37. where was i born?

38. how do i take my coffee?
lot of coffee creamer and sugar and in a perfect world, hazelnut coffee
or i just take a tea instead

39. what is the one thing you could say to make me start arguing with you?
i don't think there's only one answer possible, but right know i'm in a place when the less the better in terms of fights, hasn't always been this way, truly don't know

40. astrological sign

41. favorite season

41. amount of pda i'm comfortable with
pd-whut? *checks online* public displays of affection; well kiss and holding hands, touching thighs when we're sitting so you try your hardest not to have a boner while you probably touch my ass, but i've been asked to have sex outside once and refused (was in a big town too was to admit)

42. what is my go-to drink order?
vodka and orange juice, don't think it can go wrong (unless it doesn't taste like vodka and drink all of it)

43. how old was i when i lost my virginity?

44. porn preferences?
Ashlynn Brooke, does that count as a preference?

45. am i confrontational?
i try not to be

46. how often do i use social media?
too much

47. do i have condiment/ hot sauce preferences?
yeah, like no hot sauce ever lol
mayo-ketchup-sometimes relish

48. what makes me insanely impatient?
loud eaters

49. go-to form or exercise
stationary bike or normal walks

50. dream job
english teacher - wanted to teach since i was 4

51. favorite meal
sushis or tbh salads

52. who is currently my closest friend?
joey and vanessa i'd say

53. what turns me off?
ice cold people - like why so mad, bruh

54. do i like celebrating my birthday?
not a huge-ass party, just like closest people and a black forest cake

55. what creeps me out the most
watching youtube - always fear a monster popping out even if it's just a makeup tutorial

56. when did i had my first kiss?
i was 13

57. do i have a freckle in a weird place?
my face

58. how long can i hold my breath for?
until i die

59. biggest sexual fantasy
mother - fucking - inbox lol

60. do i cut or bite my nails?
they are so flimsy they fall by themselves, how magical is that

61. the simpsons or family guy?
simpsons reminds me of my childhood,
family guy right now just reminds me how much my crush looks like seth mcfarlane lmao but simpsons i've seen most of them, but i'd still chose it 

62. favorite song
you - jk it's We Are by Hollywood Undead

63. part i hate the most about my body
HA you want this or the plastic surgery list??
k imma go with weight

64. what turns me on the fastest?
someone appealing - i don't know i feel like if i don't find the person attractive, it just wouldn't work

65. feet size
7-8 depending on the pair

66. what house in hogwarts would i live in?
never watched HP nobody made me watch it so ? if you like HP make me watch it

67. how many people have i slept with?

68. how many people have i really slept with?
OMG hahahahaahahah still two

69. phone passcode
my finger print

70. wifi password at home

71. do i like kids?
depends who's to be honest, some are the worse!

72. drugs i've done
smoke pot three times but to be honest the worst time i've been on someone was ritalin then they thought i had adhd

73. when did i stop believing in santa?
i was eight - i said thanks santa for the gifts and my dad like nah it's me actually that buys them, both me and my sis were in his arms and it was like bitch nooo u lying, 4realtho?

74. have i ever broken a bone?
as fucking fragile as i am, no actually
PS: omg at first i read a home OH YEAH I BROKE INTO HOMES OCCASIONALLY lol

75. where do i hide in hide and seek?
how dumb is that - where i fit (this is probably why i can't play anymore lol)

76. do i eat with my mouth open or shut?
if i hear one motherfucker either eating or scratching their fork into the fucking plate i break their neck

77. three things i would bring to a desert island
him (if it counts, if not...) , my phone and paper+pen (counts as one lmao)
if i can't bring him well BARN AND NEEDLES lol

78. how do i take my tea?
with too much sugar

79. what kind of drunk am i?
only drank like one or twice so i'd say horny bitch but mostly confused whore that pukes cause i've never drank before

80. superpower i'd have
first thought; going into people's facebook without their password loll
reading minds

81. Burger King or McDonald's?
Burger King can suck a fat cock tbh
don't tell me about the whopper i don't give a shit lol

82. things i'm the most OCD about?
how even is my eyeliner and eyeshadow - amap for the least
i'm also a fucking grammar nazi and i hate myself for that
if i do an exam i have to fill up ALL the lines
i really like even numbers
wear mismatched socks FINE but from the same brand and model plz

83. movie that made me cry the hardest
was going to say Rain Man but, judge me, MOTHERFUCKING TOY STORY 3

84. favorite Friends character?
never watched

85. what would i do in a zombie apocalypse?
same as usual - panic

86. penguins or pandas?
we have to help the both so they don't instinct

87. have i ever fancied about someone's parent?
OMG i'd rather say that sixth grade, gym teach, bye bitch

88. have i ever stolen?
well i don't know how badass or a stealing this is, but once i went to walmart and printed some photos and i had so much shit in my hands i went in the car and then i was like oh shit the pics but it wasn't even a buck or two worth $

89. have i ever cheated in an exam?
too dumb to cheat

90. Apple or Windows?
i like to eat apples, open windows, other way would be weird :p
no i think apple phones and tablets, but i've always had windows computers so i don't know how disoriented i'd be

91. have they ever fancied a teacher?
did u mean nurse?

92. do i have any scars?
tried to scratch my ass; cut open my right brow
i've cut myself for several years
i can't leave wounds alone
i'm stupid
so yeah a bit

93. can i whistle?
not even

94. last thing i've dressed up as for halloween
jessie from pokemon's team rocket

95. longest i've gone without showering
don't think i've ever exceeded 2 days, 3 maybe once but for me washing myself is pretty crucial

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